A student workshop entitled “Stress Management” organised by Asia Pacific Language Centre (APLC) for APU and APLC students was held on 15th June 2015 (Monday), from 4.30p.m. – 6.00pm. The event which took place in APU Main campus was not only attended by APU and APLC students, but lecturers as well. The presenter was Mr Kenny Cheah Soon Lee, a full-time lecturer from the Faculty of Business & Management. The workshop focused on creating awareness on how to identify stress level, depression and the effective methods of managing them. Mr. Cheah, who was insightful and motivating throughout the whole session, shared various techniques which filled the participants with useful guides. As a bonus, participants were taken through a soul-searching session at the end.
Overall, it was an inspirational session which highlighted the importance managing stress positively and effectively.