Followed by their achievements of being selected to represent APU in the 15th Indonesia Capital Market Student Studies (ICMSS), our students made us proud once again – as Gaveena Kaur d/o Balbir Singh won the Best Presenter Award for the 15th ICMSS, which was held in Depok, Jakarta, Indonesia from Sunday, 21 February to Friday, 26 February 2016.
A total of 24 teams from prestigious universities worldwide participated in the conference; being the only Malaysian team in the conference, Gaveena Kaur, alongside her team mates, Vivien Soh May Hien and Muhammad Ashfaq Ali Soogun performed outstandingly at the conference. At the group presentation session in which they were subdivided into smaller groups with students from various universities, Muhammad Ashfaq Ali Soogun also attained the Best Performing Team award.

This achievement showcased our students’ ability to perform outstandingly in international competitions; we look forward to witnessing more achievements from our students in the future! Thumbs up and good job to their mentors, Mr Gunaseelan Kannan, Ms Meera Eeswaran and Ms Geetha Rubasundram who guided the team to success.